
What Is A Brand?

Branding isn't just your logo or website, it's the combined aspects of your identity that make you recognizable and helps you to stand out. If your business struggles to communicate who you are, your potential customers will have a hard time seeing what sets you apart from the competition and knowing why they should do business with you.

Your brand tells your story and why you are in business. It communicates the values you stand for and helps customers know what they can expect when they work with you or buy from you. Strong brands make great first impressions, which we know is essential in sales.

At Jumpstart Media we can help you to develop your brand. We will craft a clear picture of who you are and what you represent. Your brand will reflect your core values and will tell the story of what sets you apart from the competition so you can attract customers and grow your business.

Our branding services include:

  • Designing your logo and visual identity. Includes logo design, font/typography and colour palette.
  • Writing your tagline and positioning statement.
  • Developing your value proposition to help identify and promote what sets you apart.
  • Discovering your brand purpose, the reason behind what you do so you can communicate it clearly to potential clients.
  • Discerning your core values to help build brand loyalty.
  • Developing your brand voice, personality and story.
  • Determining your brand positioning.
  • Researching your target audience, who they are and what matters to them.
  • Providing assistance with developing consistent messaging across your company.
  • And once we've developed your brand, we can help you promote and protect your brand with our digital marketing services.
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